A Fresh Dille

pancakes for one. oats for two.

Posted in FOOD, VEGAN, WORK by clairedille on February 20, 2011

Ever since starting a commercial at the beginning of last week, I’ve been craving bowls of warm steel-cut oats. Waking up at 5 a.m. just doesn’t give me adequate time to prepare a quality bowl. Instead I’ve been eating packed overnight oats made with rolled oats, almond or coconut milk, chia seeds, banana, vanilla, cinnamon, and all the berries I can find in my fridge. After the initial craziness that takes place as soon as I arrive on set, I take a few minutes to eat my cold breakfast while the steamer heats up to prep the wardrobe for the day. Eating breakfast before 7 a.m. always makes me hungry  for lunch very early, as it should. I grab fruit, nuts, and all the bars in my snack drawer for days like these. By the time lunch rolls around (1-2 p.m.), I feel like I’ve eaten quite a lot for the day already. Of course that doesn’t stop me from making the caterer’s scratch their heads when I ask for anything vegan from the three entrée options of fish, poultry, and red meat. Usually this means I receive a plate full of the rice (or other grain) and whatever  side veggies they can find prepared without butter. I’m difficult, but that is their job. Commercials, with a much smaller crew, have less choice, but the quality is usually better than when they are feeding an entire film crew. This week I had a delicious meal of brown rice and beans topped with grilled asparagus, and a spinach, beet, and walnut salad on the side. It was one of the best catered meals I have had to date. There are also the days where I am off doing errands (returning wardrobe, picking up alterations, etc.) where I miss lunch entirely. These are the days I actually prefer, because I get to go off and find my own lunch from places I enjoy in LA. The best meals I’ve had while working were Native Foods and M Cafe. These are easily two of my favorite veggie places in Los Angeles. I can’t get enough.

As soon as the weekend hit, I knew oats would be on the menu. I still wanted to make pancakes for V since he prefers them over oats, but my sister chimed in that she also craved a bowl of oats after being without them all week. For the pancakes, I used my go-to recipe from Angela, the spelt pancakes. V has a pretty hearty appetite on the weekend mornings, so I doubled the recipe. He ate every last bite.

They were filled with bananas and walnuts and he poured delicious maple syrup on top.

Lily and I ate comforting steel-cut banana oats with almond milk, chia seeds, cinnamon, and vanilla in my new small Anthropologie Lotus bowls.

We poured California organic berries on top and I sliced up some raw walnuts from the farmer’s market for satiety. I really shouldn’t go that long between warm oats consumption, it was a little bit of torture.

For the long weekend I am going to relax and enjoy the California sunshine by hitting up the flea market and reading in a nearby park today. There may be some vegan baking involved too.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.

– Do you ever feel deprived of warm oats, even when the weather isn’t chilly?

-What is your favorite long weekend activity?

9 Responses

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  1. VeggieGirl said, on February 20, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    Delicious creations!

    I have to have oatmeal daily – it’s so warming and nourishing!

    Dance is my favorite long weekend activity – and baking too.

  2. katshealthcorner said, on February 20, 2011 at 7:48 pm

    Yes, I have to have my oats in the morning! 🙂

    Your pancakes look SO good! 🙂

  3. healthyexposures said, on February 21, 2011 at 3:18 am

    I think absence makes the heart grow fonder 😉 Good to hear the catering crew is able to accommodate you well enough, though – especially after working hard all morning!
    V’s pancakes you made look phenomenal! I will have to try that recipe myself 🙂
    Enjoy your long weekend! Unfortunately, I don’t get one 😦

  4. Pure2raw Twins said, on February 21, 2011 at 6:25 pm

    Pancakes – YUM
    And I love those bowls! So cute!!!
    Favorite long activity would be hot yoga 🙂

  5. megan @ the oatmeal diaries said, on February 21, 2011 at 9:44 pm

    This food is just gorgeous. Every time I see pancake pictures I die a little inside because I don’t have a stovetop here!! =P

  6. actorsdiet said, on February 22, 2011 at 8:40 am

    it’s pancake week! make some of those for yourself (or for me!)

  7. Des said, on February 24, 2011 at 6:29 pm

    Incorporating the bananas and walnuts is an excellent idea.

  8. anni said, on March 25, 2011 at 5:11 am

    Wow! those bowls of porridge (oatmeal) are my idea of heaven!!! It is really hard to find steal-cut oats in England for some reason! Are they very different to rolled oats? 🙂

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