A Fresh Dille

bananas for babycakes.

Posted in FOOD, VEGAN by clairedille on February 28, 2011

After our last trip to Babycakes, my sister and I were waiting all week for the bananas to brown so we could recreate their delicious banana bread. I have yet to purchase the book, as I am trying to make it through my other vegan cookbooks first, but that didn’t stop me from searching for the recipe online. Erin, the Babycakes genius, shared her favorite recipe on the bakery’s blog, however, the books recipe varied slightly. Referring to another favorite banana bread recipe, the Veganomicon Lower Fat Banana Bread, I decided to go with the recipe with more flour (the books version), so we could have a larger loaf with more banana. Instead of Gluten Free flour, we used Organic Spelt, which meant we left out the xanthan gum since it wasn’t needed. I also used coconut milk yogurt instead of the milk, and only used 1/3 cup instead of the recommended 2/3. I am more drawn to a denser banana loaf than a cake-y texture, so I was in favor of using coconut oil (in the babycakes recipe) instead of unsweetened applesauce (in the Veganomicon recipe) to lower the fat. We figured there was enough fruit in the mix, considering we used 4 large bananas to get the 1 and 1/2 cups of mashed banana.

After impatiently waiting by the stove to remove the heavenly smelling loaf, I had to wait twenty more minutes to flip it out of the pan. Those were difficult moments.

Once the first bite hit my mouth, I was perfectly satisfied. The texture and taste were ideal, everything I imagine banana bread to be.

The vegan chocolate chips really bring it to a whole other level. You should make it. I would recommend the cookbook on the banana recipe alone. But, if you aren’t sold yet, try the banana bread from the blog or the the book recipe.

As the loaf dwindles, I savor each piece, but am anxious about what tasty treat to make next. Spelt flour continues to impress me, but I am interested in trying some new flours soon. This recipe using Kamut flour looks amazing.

you have a favorite flour? I am not gluten-free, obviously since I use spelt flour, but I am more and more interested in gluten-free flours like coconut, garbanzo, etc. I’d love a suggestion of what type to try next.

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9 Responses

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  1. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg said, on March 1, 2011 at 4:47 am

    I cannot hear enough good things about babycakes! This looks great!

  2. Jess@HealthyExposures said, on March 1, 2011 at 5:03 am

    Uh-oh. You referred me to another cookbook. You know what this means, don’t oyu? 😛
    I made Veganomicon’s banana bread to fulfill my mom’s request a couple weeks ago. It was good and she loved it, but I personally felt like it was missing something. Of course, I also love “things” in my breads – maybe some nuts or raisins, at least – but she is very much a plain-jane banana bread person. Your loaf looks like it came out beautifully – love the dense texture and use of coconut oil!
    I couldn’t choose a fav. flour, I love them all! I haven’t done a ton with gluten free ones yet, though. I really want to try quinoa flour!

  3. Michelle said, on March 1, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    That look so delicious. Love the photos. I’ve never tried babycakes, but have always been curious. This just might be my tester recipe!

  4. Pure2raw twins said, on March 1, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    Love banana bread, this one looks great!

  5. Trudy ~ veggie num num said, on March 2, 2011 at 3:53 am

    Om nom nom this looks scrumptious!! I have heaps of ripe sugar banana’s in the freezer and in need of some new banana bread/cake recipes, this one looks a winner, especially with the coconut milk yoghurt you suggested, yum!!

  6. Dorry said, on March 2, 2011 at 7:20 pm

    Delicious! I love banana bread. I have coconut flour on my list of things to pick up at the store – I’ve never used it before, but hear good things. 🙂

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